„Recognizing the need is the primary condition for design.” - Charles Eames
Csaba Gyöngyösi Managing Director
- We have experience relating to the general industrial facilities, furthermore the nuclear and radioactive waste storage facilities, from preparatory work to design, construction and management of licensing processes, commissioning including obtaining licences.
- We have gained experience in projects relating to office buildings and workers’ hostel, from preparatory work to design, construction and management of the licensing processes, including obtaining the occupancy permit.
- We have experience in the management of urban planning and the planning tasks of new urban districts from preparatory tasks to the amendment of the local building codes and including the planning tasks.
- We have experience in the creation and expansion of industrial parks and the management of their planning tasks, from the preparatory tasks to the amendment of the local building code including the design, licensing and construction.
In connection with the above, we have represented the Owner in several municipal and public authority negotiations and been involved in the preparation and execution of a large number of procurements and public procurement procedures. During the implementation of the projects, we managed the processes described above on behalf of the Owner, ensuring that the expected deadlines, financial and quality requirements were met and enforced.
We consider it an advantage to be able to perform the tasks dynamically and efficiently, taking into account the Owner’s needs to the greatest extent possible, with the involvement of the required cooperation partners and experts.
Csaba Gyöngyösi Managing Director
Gyöngyösi Csaba vagyok, okleveles környezetmérnök, közgazdasági szakokleveles mérnök, építőmérnök- vízi és környezeti mérnö végzettséggel és átfogó fokozatú sugárvédelmi ismeretekkel rendelkezem. Pályámat 1996-ban előkészítő mérnökként a Szekszárd (Tolna Megyei Balassa János Kórház) műtőblokk kivitelezésének lebonyolításával kezdtem, majd a 2000-es évek első felében a Paksi Atomerőműben önálló mérnökként többek között a környezetvédelmi engedélyezési, tervezési feladatok koordinálásával foglalkoztam. Első saját cégemet, mely építőipari kivitelezéssel és szolgáltatással foglalkozott, 2003-ban hoztam létre, mely 2010-ig magas kategóriás luxus családi házak kivitelezésével foglalkozott.2011-2017 között a Radioaktív Hulladékokat Kezelő Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft. beruházási igazgatójaként a magyarországi radioaktív hulladéktárolók tervezésének, engedélyeztetésének és kivitelezésének vezetése, valamint a projektmenedzsment szemléleti beruházás bevezetése és a közbeszerzések előkészítésének koordinálása volt a feladatom. 2018-tól a Paks II. beruházáshoz kapcsolódó infrastrukturális feladatok megvalósítása céljából létrejött projektcég, a PIP Nonprofit Kft. beruházási igazgatója, majd később 2022. novemberig a cég ügyvezetője lettem. A Társaság közreműködött a Közép-Duna Menti térségben várható beruházások során a hazai vállalkozásfejlesztési, területfejlesztési, közlekedési infrastruktúra-fejlesztési igények programszerű megvalósításában, valamint a térség versenyképességének fokozásában. Fő feladatai közé tartozott a Paks II létesítésének és üzemeltetésének támogatása a szálláshely-kapacitások biztosításával, az ehhez kapcsolódó tevékenységek végrehajtása és koordinálása, valamint a többlet közműigény biztosításában való részvétel. Az ATREUS Kft. jogelődje 2003-ban alakult és az első 7 évében magas kategóriás luxus családi házak kivitelezésével foglalkozott. A névváltoztatást és a tevékenységi kör kibővítését az elmúlt évek nagy állami beruházásaiban való közreműködés során felgyülemlett műszaki tapasztalat és a rendelkezésre álló műszaki, beszerzési és jogi szakértői tudás rendelkezésre állása predesztinálta. A Társaságunkkal szerződésben álló szakemberek a Paks II. bővítés kapcsán Paks város és a térség fejlesztési feladatainak terén sokéves tapasztalattal bírnak:
- lakópark és munkásszállás építési, valamint
- infrastruktúra fejlesztési, előkészítési és engedélyezési mérnöki feladatainak
végrehajtására vonatkozóan - közreműködtünk ipari parki területek (utak, közműfejlesztések) kialakításában,
- irodakapacitás megteremtésében, továbbá
- raktározási és ipari tevékenységre alkalmas csarnokingatlanok, valamint
- radioaktív létesítmények megvalósításában egyaránt.
Munkánk során kiemelten kezeljük a környezet védelmét. Energiatudatos megoldásainkkal a hosszú távú fenntarthatóságra és az értékállóságra törekszünk.
Project Management
Managing the project within our scope
Technical Consultancy
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Construction Activity
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Technical Handover and Commissioning
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Technical Inspection
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Design Check
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
"In our work, environmental protection receives our full attention. We are committed to long-term sustainability and revalorisation with our energy-conscious solutions."
Project Management
- Contributing to the elaboration of the constitutional documents of the project.
- Managing the work of the design management and the organisations responsible for the project implementation and technical monitoring in the scope of the project within our sphere of responsibility.
- Providing the preparation of the management-level reports on weekly and monthly bases for the projects within our sphere of responsibility.
- Managing the performance of general tasks relating to the design and also, assisting in the coordination of the design tasks of functions if required.
- Managing the organizations/projects performing design review tasks and also, assisting in the performance of the tasks if required.
- On request, assisting in obtaining the documents and licences establishing the official licensing procedures (meetings, walkdowns, inspections) and coordinating them.
- Organising the coordination between the authority, the utilities and the functions.
- Preparing records on the licences in relation to the projects within our sphere of responsibility, and managing and supervising the fulfilment of the terms specified by the licences.
- Taking part in the meetings within the scope of the resources by the design and preparing a memorandum.
- Controlling the schedules of the projects within our sphere of responsibility (assisting in their preparation if required) and monitoring the implementation of the tasks included in them.
- Ensuring the constant availability of the information required for the contract management relating to the projects within our sphere of responsibility.
- Performing other tasks on request relating to the construction.
Services relating to the public procurement procedures of the construction activities:
- Assisting and providing the procurement and public procurement experts and employees with professional support in the preparation of the technical conditions for the call for proposals relating to the construction, the elaboration of the documentation and the formulation of the technical standards required.
- Organising an onsite inspection together with a designer meeting, preparing its memorandum/MoM and assisting in responding the questions of the party giving an offer.
- Providing technical support to the Owner during the negotiation of the contract to be concluded.
- Preparing the technical appendices of the contract and acting on behalf of the Owner in the conclusion of the contract.
Services relating to the construction activities:
- Undertaking to control the existence of the required licences (building permits, authority licences, etc.) and other conditions needed for the commencement of the construction works and taking the required measures in the case of a shortage.
- Keeping a record of the licences. Preparing a monthly report on the current status and taking the required measures with an extract attached.
- Organising the handover of the site, assisting in the handover and the preparation of the handover protocol of the site.
- Controlling and enforcing the detailed construction schedule prepared by the Contractor and constant monitoring of the activities at critical stages.
- Controlling and commenting on the detailed organization plan. Conducting organizational walkdowns and coordination, and constant monitoring of the organizational requirements.
- Organising coordination meetings and preparing memoranda on the meetings.
- Keeping contact with the general designer and the onsite design foreman.
Services relating to technical handover and commissioning:
- Undertaking to control the as-built documentation and its appendices (as-built design, operating and maintenance instructions, vouchers, inspection slips, Contractor and designer statements) taking into account the requirements for completeness and content as well as the production of their uniform documentation.
- Performing the qualification of the building’s suitability for its intended use. Preparing the quantitative and qualitative snag list and have the deficiencies remedied. Controlling the corrections and the deficiencies remedied.
- Making a proposal to close the handover procedure after the completion of the remedial works and the deficiencies provided the facility is suitable for its intended use.
- Organising and conducting technical inspections, walkdowns of the authority and other walkdowns.
- Assisting in obtaining the occupancy licence and monitoring compliance with the requirements. Providing support for the Contractor in the process of obtaining the preliminary statements of the authority, the contributions to the development of utilities and the occupancy licence.
- Performing activities relating to the conclusion of the construction contracts.
Services relating to technical inspection:
- During the technical inspection, controlling the processes relating to the construction individually, e.g., integrity of wooden and metal structures, implementation of energy saving, compliance with the regulations relating to insulation or fire safety;
- Constant documentation of the progress of the approved licensing designs belonging to the execution and construction tasks performed on the Construction and Erection Base (work execution documentation), performing the administration relating to the trustee and also, other administrative activities if required;
- The task of the technical inspection includes controlling the compliance with the safety regulations and making recommendations;
- Organising construction cooperation;
- On behalf of the Owner, controlling the incoming invoices to make sure if the items listed on them correspond to reality (in terms of quantity and professional quality concerning the construction activity) and the terms of the contract;
- Controlling the valid and enforceable construction documentation during the processes of the investment;
- Preparing the required snag lists and lists of deficiencies, and supervising the corrections;
- Organising and documenting the guarantee walkdown before the end of the guarantee period;
- Preparing the required snag lists and lists of deficiencies
- Supervising whether the corrections are completed in a proper way;
- Even before the end of the guarantee period, performing another condition review.
Design review services:
- In the frame of the design inspection service, reviewing the content of the construction design documentation by investigating the technical content and investigating compliance with the laws, regulations, construction regulations, standards and other professional rules;
- 1. investigating technicality of the technical content,
- 2. investigating compliance with the laws, regulations, construction regulations, standards and other professional rules;
- Ensuring compliance with the requirements of the building trade and other legislation (mechanical resistance and stability, fire safety, hygiene, health and environmental protection, safety of use, noise and vibration protection, energy saving, thermal protection, life safety and disaster prevention);
- During the inspection, preparing a statement of the design inspector in accordance with the relevant legislation;
- complies with the relevant legislation;
- whether the structure, procedure or calculation method is at least equivalent to the standard in the case of the application of a technical solution that differs from the relevant standard;
- to what extent the implementation documentation differs from the licensing documentation within the framework of the legislation.
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7066 Udvari, Petőfi Sándor utca 2.
+36 30 696 7749